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Last Edited by:

Kaushal Joshi

Last edited on: 1/2/2024

Imagine a vibrant Web3 ecosystem where the community isn't just an audience, but a driving force in shaping its future. Synergy, the revolutionary white-labeled platform from The Dapp List, makes this vision a reality.

The Problem: Passive Audiences, Stale Portals

Current ecosystem curation platforms often relegate the community to a passive audience, presenting static project lists that stifle engagement. Building your own solution from scratch takes months and requires a proven approach – a luxury you may not have.

Synergy: Where Community Becomes Co-Pilot

Synergy transforms your ecosystem portal from a stagnant list into a dynamic hub for community-driven curation:


Unlike static listings, Synergy empowers you to create comprehensive project pages featuring rich information (pulled directly from The Dapp List) alongside voting, liking, and sharing functionalities to foster active community participation. Users can seamlessly navigate to project websites for further exploration.

Map Your Vision on Your Custom Domain

Synergy seamlessly integrates with your chosen custom domain, allowing you to build your community hub under your brand identity. Whether you prefer a unique domain name or a subdomain under your existing website, Synergy adapts to your needs.

Unlocking Advanced Features

For even greater control, consider Enterprise. It offers:

Further reading

Get started with Synergy