The Dapp List is a Discovery platform for Web3, which is curated & governed by the community. For Listing a project on The Dapp List, you must create a proposal that goes live for voting, once a proposed project gets 50 votes it gets listed on the platform.

Below are the steps to proposing a project on The Dapp List.

I. How to propose a project


  1. Visit
  2. Connect your wallet.
  3. Check Eligibility.
  4. Select Submit a project in the navigation bar.
  5. Fill out the submission carefully.

Eligibility: You can choose either option 1 or option 2

Option 1: Mint a curate pass

  1. With the Curate pass, you have the ability to present your project on The Dapp List.

<aside> 🦉 Mint link:


Step by Step Guide

  1. Mint the Curate pass from zora.
  2. Visit
  3. Connect your wallet.
  4. Tap on your profile section.
  5. Go to select a token and choose Curate pass.